In the News:
FFRF Capitulates to Butlerian Pseudoscience, Dawkins Withdraws

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is a major American secularist organization which prides itself on promoting separation of State ...

In the News:
Overview of the Year 2024 and Secularism

2024, une année centrale pour la laïcité de l’État (2024, Pivotal year for State Secularism), Marie-Claude Girard, Le Devoir, 2024-12-30 ...

In the News:
Quebec Asks for Repeal of Religious Exception

Discours haineux: Simon Jolin-Barrette demande à Ottawa d’en finir avec l’exemption religieuse (Hate Propaganda: Simon Jolin-Barrette asks Ottawa to put ...

In the News:
France: Decriminalize Apology for Terrorism?

French Minister Denounces Push To Remove 'Apology For Terrorism' From Penal Code, Agence France Presse (AFP), Barron’s, 2024-11-25. France’s justice ...

In the News:
Yves Gingras Recipient of Science and Secularism Prize

Yves Gingras, Prix Science et laïcité 2024, Prix de la Laïcité, Comité laïcité république, 2024-11-07. As part of its annual ...

In the News:
Discrimination in Childcare Centres

Trente-six CPE sélectionnent selon l’ethnie ou la religion (Thirty-six childcare centres select according to ethnicity or religion), Francis Vailles, La ...

In the News:
International Competition #MockingGod

#MockingGod: Charlie Hebdo’s International competition, Charlie Hebdo, 2024-11-13. To those who are fed up with living in a society ruled ...

In the News:
Vaccination Exemptions on Religious Grounds

Des fonctionnaires exemptés de vaccination contre la COVID-19 grâce à... Dieu. Certains croyaient que les vaccins contenaient des cellules de ...

In the News:
NSS warns UK Government about danger of Islamophobia Definition

'Religion-phobia' definitions must be avoided, NSS warns Government. NSS tells Angela Rayner adopting 'Islamophobia' definition will exacerbate tensions and threaten ...

In the News: MLQ, PDF-Q & Quebec Ask for Disqualification of Justice Jamal

The Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ), the organization Pour les droits des femmes du Québec (PDF-Q) and the Attorney General of ...

In the News: Religious Ceremonies in the Parks and Streets of Montreal

Islamic holiday celebration in Montreal park draws ire from secularists, Joe Bongiorno, The Canadian Press, Microsoft Start, 2024-06-20. MONTREAL — ...

In the News:
Renew Notwithstanding Clause to Protect Bill 21

Laïcité de l’État : Québec renouvelle l’utilisation de la clause dérogatoire (State Secularism: Quebec Renews its Use of the Notwithstanding ...
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