AFT Bulletin, 2023-07-31

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Court Rejects Appeal concerning Prayer Spaces in Schools

This is a small but important victory for secularism. The ban on prayer spaces in schools is not suspended. Very good, because believers can pray discreetly anywhere, and they can pray with “physical action” at home or at a mosque.

However, the substantive challenge is yet to be heard before the courts.[…]

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Municipal Funding of Opponents of Bill 21 is Illegal

Press Release of Droits collectifs Québec

Droits collectifs Québec (DCQ or Collective Rights Quebec) and its partners are delighted with the judgment rendered yesterday by Justice Chalmers of the Superior Court of Ontario, following the legal proceedings initiated by the citizen Louis Labrecque, himself supported in particular by Justice pour le Québec and its late president, Mr. Frédéric Bastien, to contest the financial assistance paid by the City of Toronto to organizations contesting Quebec’s Act respecting State secularism.”

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UN Human Rights Council Resolution Against Burning the Quran

So-called “hatred” against religion

This resolution represents a serious threat to freedom of expression globally and, as the NSS points out, a pernicious attempt to restore blasphemy laws by stealth. The resolution builds on the unfortunate decision of the General Assembly in 2022 to declare March 15 the International Day to Combat so-called “Islamophobia.”

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Our next meeting

Monthly Meeting, 12th August 2023, 3:30 pm

Pub Le Sainte-Élisabeth, 1412 Sainte-Élisabeth, Montreal

Register for this event…

Annual General Meeting

Saturday 28th October 2023, 2 pm, Montreal time

By Zoom, open to members in good standing only

Members in good standing will receive further information soon.

Manifesto for Universalism

Crucial document to read or reread…

“We therefore oppose those traditions which seek to confine human beings to tribes, races, ethnic groups or religious ‘communities.’ These anti-Enlightenment traditions are normally associated with the political right, especially the religious right. […] On the contrary, we value universalism, that is to say, that which unites us as humans, what we all have in common, regardless of our particular affiliations.”

“We also oppose another, but relatively recent anti-Enlightenment movement, a movement which claims to be leftist, but, like the right, tries to confine everyone to particular identities. This movement has several names…”

Read the full Manifesto…

Future Events

Monthly Meeting, on-line, 9th September 2023
“Parareligious Aspects of Wokism”

Register 2023-09-09…

Monthly Meeting, in the pub, 14th October 2023

Register 2023-10-14…

Monthly Meeting, on-line, 11th November 2023

Register 2023-11-11…

Monthly Meeting, in the pub, 9th December 2023

Register 2023-12-09…

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