AFT Bulletin, 2023-10-09

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Protect Trans Rights, Yes, But Not in Defiance of Reality

Jean Thibaudeau, for the Board of Directors of Atheists Freethinkers

“We consider that, in the current debate, only the concept of biological sex constitutes a concrete and objective criterion, validated by a very high level of scientific consensus. Sex is in no way attributed or assigned, but rather observed objectively at birth.”

“[…] we demand that the government commit to opening public debate widely on all these questions.”

“[…] none of the decisions taken previously on any these issues should be treated as acquired knowledge to be excluded from future debate.”

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Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Atheist Freethinkers

Saturday 28th October 2023, 2 pm (Montreal time)

By Zoom, open to members in good standing only

Members in good standing may consult further information in the AFT Forum.

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If you have problems connecting to the forum, contact our secretary Pierre who will give you a hand.

Gathering in the Pub

14th October 2023, 3:30 pm

Pub Ste-Élisabeth, 1412 Ste-Élisabeth, Montréal

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“Wokism” as a Parareligion

On-line Talk, 11th November 2023, 2 pm

Although debate continues on how best to describe the so-called “woke” movement, there is general consensus among many authors and observers that it is a very damaging, cult-like movement which has rejected Enlightenment universalism.

Some authors conclude that “wokism” is literally a new religion. I prefer to call it a parareligion because of the absence of any explicit supernatural belief. At any rate, it is clear that “wokism” greatly resembles a religion,…

Having given this talk in French last 9th September, David Rand will be redoing it in English in November.

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Nobel Peace Prize to Narges Mohammadi

Opposing the Islamist Regime in Iran

For Women’s Rights. For Human Rights.

Narges Mohammadi fights to free Iranian women from the hijab forcibly imposed by Iran’s Islamist regime. She also campaigns against the death penalty and against solitary confinement.

Read the full text…

Thank You Donors!

Donations to our Legal Fund

We have attained (and slightly exceeded) our goal of $25,000.00 in order to pay our legal costs incurred and to prepare for future legal initiatives.

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