AFT Bulletin, 2022-11-02

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Manifesto for Universalism

Adopted at our AGM, 29th November

“We therefore oppose those traditions which seek to confine human beings to tribes, races, ethnic groups or religious ‘communities.’ These anti-Enlightenment traditions are normally associated with the political right, especially the religious right. […] On the contrary, we value universalism, that is to say, that which unites us as humans, what we all have in common, regardless of our particular affiliations.”

“We also oppose another, but relatively recent anti-Enlightenment movement, a movement which claims to be leftist, but, like the right, tries to confine everyone to particular identities. This movement has several names…”

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Yasmine Mohammed

A Conversation with

Author of Unveiled

On-line Event

Saturday 19th November 2022

2 pm – 4 pm (Montreal time)

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New Board of Directors 2022-2023

Elected at our AGM, 29th November

Launch of French Version of Unveiled by Yasmine Mohammed

Summary of Yasmine’s Talk

…Quebeckers remember the time, not so long ago, only a few decades, when the local priest held an almost absolute authority over his parish. As Yasmine explained, there are remarkable parallels between the Catholic clergy of that time and the mentality of practicing Muslims: a very pronounced misogyny in both cases, with girls and women suffocated and subjugated.

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Blog 141: Burn That Veil!

“Islam is arguably the most misogynistic of all major religions. The Islamic Republic of Iran, established in 1979, imposes a strict version of Islam. Wearing the veil in public is compulsory for women. They are even forbidden to dance or sing in public.”

“Meanwhile, several Western countries, including Canada, go so far as to spend public funds to promote the wearing of the hijab, even claiming that this despicable outfit is liberating! This policy is not only irrational and irresponsible, it is obscene, especially in the current context where Iranian women are risking their lives to get rid of it.”

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Waiting for Raif (En attendant Raif)

Documentary Film by Luc Côté and Patricio Henriquez

Filmed over a period of eight years, Waiting for Raif tells the tragic tale of a family torn apart by the Saudi monarchy’s intransigence, as it follows Ensaf Haidar’s inspiring battle to free her husband, prisoner of conscience Raif Badawi. The documentary offers a privileged and moving look at the personal and political implications of the affair, providing an inside view of the challenges faced by a young refugee mother of three, both in her adopted home of Quebec and on the global stage.

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