AFT Bulletin, 2016-07-11
Three Petitions

RPL petition against religious symbols worn by Canadian cabinet ministers

“We […] request that every representative of the state refrain from displaying any religious symbols whatsoever and thus respect religious neutrality as stipulated by the Supreme Court of Canada.”

Sign the Petition

An initiative of Rassemblement pour la laïcité (RPL or Alliance for Secularism) with the support of Atheist Freethinkers (AFT)

Stop Public Street Prayers in Montreal. We Want to Live in Harmony!

“In the middle of the city, practioners of Islam dare to broadcast publicly the call to prayer using loudspeakers. We cannot accept this. We find it dangerous and imprudent to allow a group of believers to use public space to proselytize their religion.”

Sign the Petition

An initiative of Cristina Sanguinetti

Petition to the Government of Canada, e-382 (Blasphemous libel)

“We, […] residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to repeal Section 296 (Blasphemous Libel) of the Canadian Criminal Code.”

Sign the Petition

An initiative of Greg Oliver (Canadian Secular Alliance) and sponsored by Ali Ehsassi

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AFT at LGBT Community Day
Montreal, August 13th 2016, 11 am–5 pm

Because religious homophobia kills


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