About AFT and this web site

About Atheist Freethinkers

Our organization Libres penseurs athées — Atheist Freethinkers (LPA-AFT) is based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and grew out of a committee which helped organize an atheist-humanist convention in Montreal in October of 2010. For purely practical reasons, we are a bilingual (French & English) organization.

We are atheists. Critical thought and science lead us to the conclusion that gods, demons, reincarnation, the immortal soul and other supernatural beliefs are childish fictions. We value reason, knowledge and the material, intellectual and moral advancement of humanity. Our philosophy is materialist: there is no soul associated with the body, and as for the mind or intellect it too is material because based on neuronal processes. We are moral beings, constantly evolving and responsible for ourselves, as is the humanity to which we belong. We promote secularism and reject any religious involvement in civil institutions.

We are convinced of the importance of atheists coming out and being publically visible as atheists. Hiding behind various fashionable euphemisms is not enough. For our complete statement of principles, please consult our Atheist Manifesto.

About material on this web site

Creative Commons License
The web site of Atheist Freethinkers by Libres penseurs athées — Atheist Freethinkers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.atheology.ca/about (see the following points).

  1. You may of course quote, for review purposes, small portions of any text on this web site, but we ask that you give credit both to this web site (http://www.atheology.ca) and to the author or authors if they are named.
  2. Permission is given to copy any text on this web site ON THE EXPRESS CONDITION that the copy not be modified and that credit be explicitly given to both this web site (http://www.atheology.ca) and to the author or authors if they are named.
  3. If you wish to copy material from this site for commercial use, you must first obtain explicit permission from Libres penseurs athées — Atheist Freethinkers (LPA-AFT). You can make your request by email.

If you accept that a text of which you are the author be published on one of our websites, you therefore accept that it become the property of LPA-AFT and that it be managed by this license.

How to link to this web site

To hyperlink to this web site in general, without aiming at a specific part, please link to http://www.atheology.ca which will take you to the page which is currently the most important, and includes links to all other parts of the site. This will allow us to control, over time, the landing page where we would like new visitor to enter the site.

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Would you like to contribute a blog entry?

Are you interested in writing for this web site? We welcome submissions, especially from members, on relevant topics, written from the point of view of atheism and philosophical materialism. You may submit your text by email. Here are some guidelines:

  • The topic may be either current events or historical and should be relevant to atheism, philosophical materialism, secularism or related concerns.
  • The preferred length is about 500 to 1000 words.
  • Please identify sources for any quotations or other references, using hyperlinks whenever possible.
  • Authors should be members of LPA-AFT, or at least signatories of our statement of principles, the Atheist Manifesto.

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